Tel +49 201 172-1232
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Am TÜV 1
45307 Essen (Germany)
Tel +49 201 172-1232
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Am TÜV 1
45307 Essen (Germany)

Standard test dust

DMT Test Dirt ECE R123

DMT Test Dirt ECE R123
  • 32-200081-0243
  • Content: 1 kilogram
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    In the description of the test procedure for motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical... more

    General description

    In the description of the test procedure for motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam or a driving-beam the test dirt is specified which simulates the real dirt.
    The test dirt is used for headlamps with an outer lens made of polymer material.


    The composition of the test dirt is as follows:
    9 parts quartz sand between 0 µm and 100 µm
    5 parts sodium chloride
    1 part beech wood coal
    0.2 parts carboxymethylcellulose

    Transport and Storage

    Partial segregation may occur during transport and storage. It is therefore recommended to homogenize the DMT Test Dirt ECE R123 before use, which can be achieved by mixing with a laboratory tumbler mixer. Please store in a dry and airtight original container.

    Quality ensurance

    In order to achieve reproducible quality, the raw materials and production are strictly controlled. The following quality controls are carried out:

    Monitoring the particle size distribution of raw materials
    Monitoring the particle size distribution of the end product


    Name : DMT Prüfschmutz ECE R123
    Standard: ECE R 123
    Title of Standard: Uniform provisions concerning the approval of adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS) for motor vehicles
    Composition : Quartz-coal-mixture
    Material: Particle-Fiber-Mixture
    largest particle size (µm) : 100
    Bulk density (g/cm³): 0,90
    Substance density (g/cm³) : 2,65
    Apperance : solid
    Hardness (Mohs): -
    Colour : grau